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A Book Lovin’ Friday

I took the past couple of weeks off for the holidays, and it was fabulous. We had friends here visiting us in London. We did all kinds of things—like the ghost tour of Hampton Court Palace and Christmas at Kew Gardens. We saw all the sights and played Carcasonne. (Which—for the record—is awesome. If you haven’t played it before, do. ASAP.) After that LH (Le Hubby) and I went to Rome. We slept in every day, and toured in the afternoon. Divine.

But what else did I do?

If you guessed read, you’re right.

So here is some love to five books that I read over the holiday.

1. The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

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Y’all, I couldn’t put this book down. Seriously. It’s got protag that’s a little too smart for her own good, a mystery/crime to solve, teens working for the FBI, and two hot boys. Personally, I’m leaning heavily toward Team Dean on this one, but Michael is a really close second. Can’t wait for book two! CAN’T. WAIT.

2. A Little Too Far by Lisa Desrochers.

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Since I was in Rome, I had to give this one another read. It’s a hawt new adult romance. HAWT. It takes place during Lexi’s study abroad in Rome. Thus, the reading it again. The protag is an art history major, and goes to Rome to learn more about all the fantastic art there. (Which is amazing! Sistine Chapel FTW!) Buuuut Lexie kind of has a thing for her step-brother. Whoops! And then she kind of has a thing for this hawt Italian almost-priest. Double whoops! Anyhow, it was really good. And I felt for Lexie. Sigh.

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Come on. The title says it all, right? I love me some werewolves. Obvi! But this one was super fun. Really loved Molly’s voice and her wolves were pretty freaking fantastic.  <3

4. Rome by Jay Crownover

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So if you haven’t read Rule or Jet, then read those first. But I’d been waiting for Rome. A book about Rule’s sexy older brother whose just got home from Afghanistan? Sign me up! It didn’t disappoint. And how cute is Tink? 😉 If you’re looking for a good NA Romance, this book is it!

5. Spider’s Bite by Jennifer Estep

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Okay, so I know I’m a little late to the game. The tenth book in this series just came out. I really love Estep’s Mythos Academy series, so I figured why not give this series a try too. Glad I did! Really solid. I love Estep’s voice and her writing is just flawless. Spider aka Gin is a super kick ass assassin, which of course I looooove! And it even had a little bit of romance in there. Not gonna lie, I hope the next book has more romance. But I’m a girl who loves her bad ass with a heaping side of romance.

Books I’m reading next:

Taste of Darkness by Maria Snyder These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman


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