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What up, Friday?

Hello!!! It’s been forever since I’ve blogged–I’m so bad! O.O–but I’m back on it. Hopefully. For now… 😛

1. All of June I did the #amwritingchallenge — which is partly why I haven’t been blogging. Doing those daily posts was time consuming!

In case you missed it, here are a few of my faves:

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Day 9 of #amwritingchallenge : Shelfie – I couldn’t decide what shelf to photograph… But that’s our little library. It’s got SFF, romance, YA, comic books, and anything else that suits our fancy!

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Day 12 of #amwritingchallenge : A Good Way to Relax — Doing #jamberry and drinking #framboise #lambic with my oldest friend. BFFs since 3rd grade. Def a fantastic way to relax.

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Day 17 of #amwritingchallenge : What Your Inner Critic Looks Like — Don’t want to disappoint Warf!

For more, check out my instagram — @aelatcham

2. So yesterday I listened to this, and laughed. Hard:

Best meditation ever, right? I mean, I’ve taken my more than my fair share of yoga classes and totally dig some yoga nidra, but this… Amazing.

3. Have y’all seen the new Vacation Movie trailer? If not, watch now!


4. Y’all, I just fed my pen addiction, and I don’t feel bad. Not at all. I found this site on etsy, and they have all the cute stuff! Exhibit A is here for proof:

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In case you didn’t know, I have a love of pens. But I like them to be less than 0.5mm. Hard to find, right? I also have an addiction to notebooks and stickie notes. Umm… Yeah. All this shop are belong to me! I’ll take one of everything!

5. I need help, y’all! It’s summer and there are no TV shows on! What should I watch? J and I watch a 1/2 show every evening, but now that the shows are all on hiatus, what should we watch? Need some recs! Seinfeld is good, but I can’t watch it every night before bed. #dying #halpme

Hope y’all have a lovely weekend!




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