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Checking In from Chiang Mai–Quanta Reset is Coming!!


Hi from Northern Thailand! It’s 8 a.m and I’ve discovered the secret to productivity. Do you want to know???

Surprise. It’s ROCK HARD BEDS.

When I’m home in the US, I sleep on a cloud comprising several layers of down, more novelty pillows than you could count, and piles upon piles of snuggy blankets. My bed in Thailand is like sleeping on a rock. A boulder topped with one paper-thin sheet.

My hips are bruising from this nonsense, but I’m not changing a thing. Why torture myself, you ask? Because when I pop awake at 5 a.m. I am SO READY to get up and get to my computer. Staying in bed lazing around sounds like a miserable idea for the first time ever. As much as I miss the cloud bed, I’ve discovered that I’m happier being productive than I am being comfy.

Wooden desk chair = heaven compared to the flat torture sleeper.

A photo posted by Lola Dodge (@loladodge) on Jan 7, 2016 at 12:33am PST

Productivity is good for everyone. I’m reading lots of Shattered Pack and Cursed and finally getting back to work on Quanta Reset, which is a wonderful thing. The past few months were a bit rough at Dodge Ranch, so my mind has been twisted up like a ball of yarn scraps–now I’m FINALLY getting back to doing what I love and it feels amazing.

And the big news for you guys [[[drumroll]]]: the Quanta Reset cover reveal!!!! I can’t wait to share this one because it came out so SO COOL. I’d just show you now, but I’m not allowed thanks to a blood pact with our little blueberry of an Ink Monster mascot.

Bloggers, head this way to Xpresso Reads for the sign-up. The release happens February 16th and not a day later or my head will explode.

Please help me share the news! Force your friends to sign up. Get a 2/16 tattoo. Whatever you feel is appropriate ; )


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