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Writer's picture: Aileen ErinAileen Erin

Hey, everyone. So, I have some news… Some good, some might be a little bit of a bummer, but at the end, I’ll make it worth your while.

1. Check this out:

That was the day before Thanksgiving. I passed the 30 week mark this week, and just settling into getting excited. After losing Annabelle, it’s been an emotional year, and an especially emotional pregnancy. But now that I’m finally a few weeks into my third trimester, I’ve fully gone into nesting mode and can’t wait to meet this little cutie pie! And she’s coming so soon!

2. What does this mean for my next book release? Unfortunately, it’s getting delayed. :/ I know, I know! It’s something I’ve never, ever, EVER done before. I was trying my best to keep up my normal writing pace, but this is me every afternoon:


It’s a problem! Every day I sit down to write, I lose ~2 hours. Doesn’t matter where I’m sitting, if I have music blasting in my headphones, or how uncomfortable I make myself. I’m writing, getting into a scene, and then all of a sudden I’m opening my eyes and hours have passed. I’m all–WHAT HAPPENED?!?! Was it aliens?! Did I get attacked by a ghosty?!

Nope. I’m just Preggo McPreggopants. My lovely doctor said that I’d be more awake in my second trimester, but I’m thirty weeks and the whole exhaustion thing hasn’t let up for a second! I don’t know how women work through their pregnancy. I am in awe. Because I turn into a zombie 1/2 the day. Which means that my writing is going:

I have half a book done, when normally in this amount of time, I’d have a book and a half done. Instead of stressing myself out, I decided to push the release date back. It’ll be better for me and much better for the book. Plus, I won’t be going through a busy release month while trying to care for a 1.5 month old. So, I’m going to write as much as I can until she gets here, take a few months off to bond and be with her, before jumping back in for a polish round. I’ve been wanting to do a Meredith book for so long that I want to make sure I get it right.

Next week the distributor will be putting through the release date change, so if you see it–that’s why. Baby girl is coming! And already she won’t let me get my work done. Ha!

(That’s def me on the right. With the giant pit (aka bubba) in my belly. Super excited!)

3. That said, there will be something fun on May 31st! I’ll be doing the Shattered Pack cover reveal party. There will be giveaways and all kinds of awesome things!

I can't wait to share the cover! Ana just finished the art on Wednesday, and man, it's looking so freaking beautiful! Paddy, our graphic designer, is going to start on the titles for it soon. I can't wait! It's going to be awesome when it's all done.

4. But the even better news is that Meredith's story is shaping up awesomely. For reals. It took me a few tries to get the beginning right--I did three re-writes--but my editor is finally happy! Woohoo!

I'm over halfway done with the book, and I couldn't be more stoked. I can't wait to share it with you, and hope you all will love it when it's finally finished and in your hands, on November 29, 2016!

5. Stay tuned for more updates about Shattered Pack and the little cutie pie, who will be making her big debut early April.


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