1. Y’all, time is flying. I can’t believe that Christmastime has arrived.

You know what that means…I’m gonna have to shop. Oy vey. Me and shopping don’t mix. And this time I’ve got to get it done ASAP as everything is shipping overseas. It’s going to be madness this weekend!
2. Last weekend I went to see PvD. It was awesome, y’all.

I took LH and one of my girlfriends, and we had a blast. It was the first time that either of them had been to anything like this, but I started going to raves in high school. So, it’s old hat for me. It’d been so long since I’d gone dancing and heard a real DJ play, that I could’ve danced all night. We left at 4AM because LH was getting tired, but next time, I’m closing the place down.
3. In related news, I’m addicted to Above & Beyond’s Group Therapy podcast.

Y’all, it’s freaking awesome! I’m listening to it live now, and it’s not disappointing. Check it out. Old podcasts are FREE on iTunes.
4. I know that London got foggy, but I didn’t realize how foggy it got. Check this out:

Holy moly! That’s some fog. LA gets foggy in the mornings, but not like this. This was out of control. But also beautiful. I thought I’d really mind the winters here, but I’m finding such beauty in the quiet bleakness of Richmond-Upon-Thames in the winter.
5. I got these on Tuesday, and it’s really changed my life. I’m in love.

Seriously, I play music and everything fades away. I zone into my writing and it just flows. The only bad part is if you’re not paying attention, people can scare the crap out of you! Or maybe that’s just me. 😉 But I was having a late breakfast and writing like mad at Bill’s while enjoying some Bubble & Squeak (YUM!), and a couple with a baby sat down at the table next to me. Without my new earbuds, I would’ve immediately called for the check and run home to finish writing, but with them, I couldn’t hear the baby crying at all. When I looked up, I could see the red face and the tears and the poor stressed out parents trying to console the baby. They saw me looking and apologized. I took out my earbuds and told them I literally couldn’t hear a thing, and not to worry. They look much relieved. (Side note: I’ve found the British to be are super polite on the whole.) They’re an investment for sure, but man, are they awesome. Two big thumbs up!