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Is it just me or does time fly during the holidays?

I don’t know about you, but this holiday week has been nutso! I had the in-laws in town starting the 23rd. So, after spending two days prepping for them and then the holidays… I’m just now trying to catch up on emails! Yikes! But now it’s just me and J. So, we’re taking a little time to chill at the house. Which is super nice. And we’re being super lame and spending NYE quietly at home. Because this super-introvert needs some serious quiet time. 😉 Before I get back to my quiet time, I realized I hadn’t posted about some super cool raffelcopters and sales going on. Yikes! Better late than never, right?!

1. ALPHA UNLEASHED has been on sale for $1.99 all December via Kindle! As a bonus, we did a Rafflecopter for it! I’m giving away a signed paperback version! So, enter! 🙂

2. BECOMING ALPHA is having a promo for the holidays! To celebrate, we’re giving away a free e-book. Dealer’s choice! That means YOU get to pick! 😉 And, since I’m totally obsessed with awesome planners, I’m giving away one I Kickstarted! A 2016 Spark Planner! So what are you waiting for?! Enter and win! 🙂 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Okay! Back to chilling with my husband! Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!





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