Hey there! It’s been a couple of weeks. (HOLY SHIT! IT’S MOFO DECEMBER?!?!?!!!! :::has mild panic attack:::) I missed last week because Thanksgiving! And the week before…because life… (More on this below!) Since I missed last week, I’ll do 7 things from this week instead of my usual 5. 🙂
1. I had a sewer line break in my living room wall. Eeeeeeew!

The offending pipe.
I’ve been dealing with workers and smells and fans blowing. It’s been so nuts over here I can barely think. Makes me wish I had an office to go to, but alas, no. One of the dangers of working from home I guess. But after weeks of smell and trying to figure out where it was coming from, it’s finally gone. FINALLY GONE!!! My house doesn’t smell like a sewer anymore. THANK GOD! I’m so happy about this is kind of ridiculous, but I can’t help it. I nearly tackled my plumber with a hug when he figured it all out. Buuuuut he looked dirty from crawling under the house… So I refrained. Barely. Yesterday, the fans, air scrubbers, and uv yada-yas (it’s a techinical term that I totally forgot) went back with the abatement company. My house used to sound like I was on an airplane. Not it’s blissfully quiet. Aileen is a happy, happy girl with her stink-free, fan-free house.
2. Did everyone have a happy Thanksgiving? I have to admit…I lost my shit last Wednesday—like seriously lost it—because of aforementioned smells and sounds, and we hit the road last minute. My parents were even in town staying with my sister, but we found a house to rent in Palm Springs and off we went. It was awesome! Just what the doctor ordered. But because we went so late, we bought all the Thanksgiving supplies when we got to Palm Springs, and the turkey was frozen SOLID. Whoops. So we pretended Friday was Thanksgiving. All craziness aside, we cooked an awesome meal.

Turkey, Stuffing, Green Beans with Bacon & Onions, Mashed Potatoes, Mashed Sweet Potatoes with Pecan & Brown Sugar topping, Cranberry Sauce. Not pictured: Salad & Crescent Rolls! Yuuummmmm….
Also, we made sausage cheese balls. Y’all have to try these. I’m addicted. For serious.

They’re a mixture of Bisquick, sharp cheddar, and hot sausage. It’s something that my MIL makes during the holiday, so J couldn’t go without them. But now I wake up in the morning and I’m like…I’m supposed to eat cereal for breakfast now? This is BULLSHIT. I want some MOFO SAUSAGE CHEESE BALLS.
Life is tough, y’all. So tough. 😉
3. So, thoughts about the Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser trailer? In case you haven’t checked it out:
I kind of think it doesn’t show much. It’s like… Yay, Millennium Falcon! Yay, X-Wing! Yay, Droid! But it doesn’t tell me anything. It’s just a random series of images for less than 90 seconds. #Meh
But this….this is fucking funny:
Okay, it’s also super dorky. But come on! Makes me laugh so hard!
4. I’m a Mac girl, through and through. Have been since I bought my first one in 2006. Love them! But my current little MacBook Air is totally out of HD space. Le sigh. I got it because I was traveling a lot while living in London for 11 months. I wanted something super lightweight and portable. The Air totally fit the bill. But now that I’m docking it all the time… Sooooo, I just bought a new computer! I’m super excited, even if it won’t get here for 2 weeks…. :::shakes fist::: I got the iMac with the Retina display. Huzzah! I’m still going to use the Air to write on in my writing chair (which should also be here before Christmas!!!!) and when I travel. But the iMac will be my Ink Monster and editing computer. I’m super pumped for it to get here, because honestly, this computer is so slow, it can barely run a Google search. O.o Once I have my new set-up, I’ll post a pic. 🙂
5. Y’all, I saw this the other day and I think I might need one of these:
Although, I might have to ask J if I’ll embarrass him if I wear it out. I mean, it IS uber Geeky. But I looooves it. The only thing is, blue or red? I mean, I think red is fun, but honestly, I’m not a command type. I think blue—sciences—might be more my thing. Buuuut Westley Crusher wore a red one, and he was my teen heartthrob. So it could be in honor of his awesomeness. Decisions, decisions…
6. I didn’t have very high expectations for the new Jurassic Park movie, but I have to say, this looks kind of awesome:
7. J’s movie trailer got sweded!!! I don’t know why I love these so much, but I totally do! Marvel fans = awesome!
I mean, come on! What’s not to love? Super proud of my husband and the work that he does. And I’m so glad that people really like the movies that he makes, because otherwise I’d be bummed that he worked as much as he does (think average 16hrs/day 5-6days/week).
Yay, J! Yay, Avengers: Age of Ultron! Yay, awesome fans who make awesome videos like this! 🙂
Alright, that’s enough of my yapping. Until next week, folks!
Xoxo Aileen