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Shattered Pack Delay…


Heya, everyone!

It kills me to do this, but I had to delay the release of Shattered Pack.


For those of you who haven’t been following along with my life and the insanity it has been (via facebook and instagram), in the last six months I’ve moved across the country, had a major, unforeseen shift in Ink Monster, and–most importantly–had a baby!


Meet Isabella Ray. She’ll be 7 months old on the 22nd, and she’s the bee’s knees. I swear. So much personality already–100% her father’s daughter. Outgoing. Shockingly smart. Strong. Amazing. Perfect. And not sleeping at night anymore…


But let’s back up a step. You see, when I found out I was pregnant, I delayed the Shattered Pack release. It was going to be coming out right as I had my baby, and I wasn’t going to be focused on finishing the book and making it awesome. So I pushed the release date back a few months. But I fully planned on finishing the book BEFORE she was born to make sure that I didn’t miss that date. But then she came early…

After losing Annabelle, almost losing Isabella was SO SCARY. Those first few weeks were tough, but my girl is strong! She’s doing fantastic. More than. At six months, she has EIGHT teeth, crawls, is so frustrated that she can’t walk yet, and says two words–momom or mom (instead of mama) and yummy. Girlfriend loves to eat. Like says yummy and grabs at the pictures of food in magazines. LOL!

But I’ve had a book to finish. I’d been slowly working on it since she was a couple weeks old (#writingaddict), and the last couple weeks I had my mother-in-law here to help out while I revised like mad woman. It was going to take everyone helping out for me to get it done in time, but I had a game plan. I was golden. Everything was set.

And then Isabella decided to get SIX teeth and stop sleeping. Cut to me rocking her ALL NIGHT LONG.


On day seven of no sleep and trying to make the words on the page coherent, I had to call it. I wasn’t going to make the deadline. At least not with a book I was happy with. And that wasn’t fair to anyone.


After I let myself be sad about it, I pulled on my big-girl panties and delayed the release a few months. Izzie is sleeping again at night now, and I have a second to breathe and really make sure this book  is amazing. I don’t know why, but this has been the hardest book to write. Like for reals. I usually ditch about 10-15K words of a book during rewrites and edits. I’m not done and I’ve already ditched over 40K! I’ve just been waiting so long to write a Meredith book that I want to make sure it’s perfect. But y’all, it’s finally all coming together. I love that feeling. When the pieces just fit and you’re feeling like the story is working in the best possible way.


There’s action. Battles with a gnarly fey monster. Some lovey stuff. Who am I kidding–LOTS OF LOVEY STUFF. Donovan…


So, I had all these plans for discounts on Alpha Girl books and a TON of giveaways. So why waste them?! November will still be Alpha Girl month at Ink Monster, and–as long as my editor, Lola, approves–I’ll give a sneak peek of a chapter or two that is going to make the cut. I’ve also just reformatted, edited, and changed the layout for Becoming Alpha‘s paperback edition. So, I’ll be giving away some signed ones! Stay tuned!

I hope you guys aren’t totally disappointed. I promise, March is going to be amazing. Giveaways. Signed newly reformatted and edited paperbacks of the rest of the series! (The new layout is AH-MAY-ZING!) And a sneak peek at the next Tessa + Dastien book, coming at you next fall. Plus, a peek at a new series I’m working on. It’s going to be epic!

Until then, this mama is going to be working away, and hopefully catching up on some zzzzzzzzzz’s.


Aileen aka The Sleepy Mama



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