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Summer Monday!

It’s summer!!! Kind of. Right?

June in Thailand means it’s finally cooling down and we’re into the rainy season–so 95 degrees instead of 100+ every day, and lots of regular showers to keep the air clean. I’ve been bouncing around, I’m so happy. THE SKY IS BLUE AND LIFE IS WONDERFUL!

Other than the weather, here’s what’s up:

1. Revisions

Now that I can breathe, I’m back to work and revising a couple projects–one for me, and one for Ink Monster ; ) Quanta Reset is really coming along and our new team editor is amazing, so expect good things in September!

Quanta Reset by Lola Dodge, September 2016 | A Shadow Ravens Novel

2. America bound!

I’ll be back in America before Reset releases. I’ve loved my time in Thailand, but I’m looking forward to being on home soil for a while. I’ve been in Asia for most of the time since January 2012, when I first moved to Taiwan. I totally wasn’t planning to be abroad so long. So many bagels to eat to make up for lost time!


3. Reunion

My ten-year college reunion was this weekend and I missed it. But I didn’t really miss anything. I’m still close with my four closest friends from the good old class of 2006, and as much as it would be fun to see what everyone else has been up to, I’m okay with losing touch with acquaintances. Being abroad has definitely taught me that the important people make time for you, and you have to do the same. Otherwise, it’s okay to grow apart–there just isn’t time to stay friends with everyone. Plus, reunions are weird.

Class of 2006! They couldn't get rid of me if they tried.

Best of the class of 2006! They couldn’t get rid of me if they tried.

4. Niche

I backed Niche on Kickstarter and have been playing the alpha game–it is so cute and it’s exactly the kind of repetitive fun I like as a break from writing. I’ll let you all know when the final version goes live on Steam. Until then, I’ll be busy trying to breed purple tiger-striped antler babies.

5. Critical K-pop

As always, the most important news comes last. EXO’s new album is coming out SOON. Can. Not. Wait. Must buy. Must dance. Must learn more Korean so I can sing along.

Happy Monday wherever you are!

<3 Lola


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