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Fitbit Fighting

In this time of holiday cheer, I should be peacefully celebrating the season with my family. Instead, I’m threatening my mother with physical violence.

She may look like the mother of the Campbell’s soup kids, but my mother is a monster.

A MONSTER. No matter what I do, I can’t get more steps than her in our Fitbit rankings.


My entire family is insane. Even averaging 15k steps a day, I’m only in third place. My father is nipping at my heels, and if he weren’t still recovering from SPINAL SURGERY, I’m sure he’d be crushing me, too. My cousin is in second, and I’m torn between cheering him on (someone has to dethrone the dark queen) and casually showing up at house to sabotage his treadmill.

Even after a 37k day (thanks, Epcot!) I can’t crack second and my competitive instincts are going crazy. I’m pacing all over the house just so I don’t fall any further behind and Mom is probably getting lead insoles in her stocking this year, because something has to be done to stop the madness.

I blame Candace and Aileen for getting me started on this Fitbit thing. It’s fully their fault that I’m walking in circles instead of writing.

Speaking of which, can we get a Fitbit equivalent for word counts?? I really need to get back to my pages, but I’ve been busy baking cookies and editing for Inky.

While I’m reading Shattered Pack (be so so jealous!), you should be entering our latest giveaway. This time, the winners can get any Alpha Girl book or a Spark Planner, which comes highly recommended by Ms. Aileen Erin herself.

Good luck and happy holidays!!!

And don’t forget to fill your gifted Kobo with Becoming Alpha–it’s on sale for $1.99 until the 4th!


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